string(7) "m-66998" Burnt Hickory Baptist Church


May 21, 2023

Giving My First & Best

Speaker: Matt Petty

Keywords: church, worship, faith, jesus, god, sermon, christian, bible, christ, gospel, scripture, hope, generosity, sermons, holy spirit, giving, believe, charity, jesus christ, lord, christianity, blessings, offering, bible study, trust god, how to love, transformed life, christian sermons, personal development, mama, give away, bible teaching, be kind, 2023, burnt hickory worship, burnt hickory baptist church live stream, bibly study, tithes and offering, should we still tithe today

May 14, 2023

The Faithful

Speaker: Matt Petty

Keywords: truth, pastor, love, church, worship, prayer, faith, jesus, god, sermon, christian, bible, christ, gospel, scripture, hope, preaching, sermons, suffering, believe, spirituality, inspiration, purpose, jesus christ, the bible, faithful, lord, christianity, mother, bible study, mom, mothers day, the gospel, proverbs 31 woman, transformed life, mama, truth in love, bible teaching, 2023, burnt hickory worship, burnt hickory baptist church live stream, faithful moms, bibly study

May 07, 2023

Enduring the Seasons

Speaker: Eli Laughlin

Keywords: pastor, church, worship, faith, jesus, god, sermon, christian, bible, christ, gospel, hope, joy, grace, believe, inspiration, joyful, jesus christ, lord, christianity, contentment, happiness, bible study, desiring god, mental health, enduring, transformed life, dependence on god, how to be happy, do not lose heart, burnt hickory worship, burnt hickory baptist church live stream, finding joy in christ, dont loose heart, feeling contentment

Apr 30, 2023

Do Whatever He Tells You to Do

Speaker: Matt Petty

Keywords: truth, love, church, worship, prayer, faith, jesus, god, disciple, christian, bible, christ, gospel, hope, life, holy spirit, believe, purpose, study, jesus christ, the bible, lord, christianity, powerful, savior, bible study, blessed, god's promise, trust god, bible verses, transformed life, obey god, follow god, christian motivation, jesus as savior, burnt hickory worship, burnt hickory baptist church live stream, motivational video, inspirational video

Apr 23, 2023

Joyful Believers

Speaker: Matt Petty

Keywords: truth, church, worship, prayer, faith, jesus, sin, god, sermon, cross, christian, bible, christ, gospel, hope, joy, anxiety, believe, jesus christ, lord, christianity, happiness, restoration, savior, bible study, blessed, learning, gods plan, self improvement, the secret, transformed life, how to be happy, follow god, joyful life, jesus loves me, change your life, jesus as savior, happy life, burnt hickory worship, burnt hickory baptist church live stream, motivational video, how to be happy in life

Apr 16, 2023

Opened Eyes and Opened Hearts

Speaker: Matt Petty

Keywords: truth, church, worship, prayer, faith, jesus, sin, god, sermon, evidence, cross, christian, bible, christ, luke, gospel, luke 24, hope, new testament, salvation, once saved always saved, peace, word of god, good news, revelation, believe, jesus christ, the bible, lord, christianity, restoration, savior, bible study, blessed, son of god, gods plan, bible verses, transformed life, follow god, prophetic word, jesus loves me, jesus as savior, burnt hickory worship, burnt hickory baptist church live stream

Apr 09, 2023

Easter | What did the Resurrection Do?

Speaker: Matt Petty

Keywords: truth, church, worship, prayer, faith, jesus, easter, god, praise, ministry, cross, christian, bible, christ, gospel, hope, he is risen, holy spirit, believe, religion, jesus christ, the bible, lord, christianity, restoration, bible study, blessed, good friday, easter sunday, gods plan, holy week, transformed life, follow god, jesus loves me, jesus is king, 2023, burnt hickory worship, burnt hickory baptist church live stream, easter 2023, jesus redeems, jesus i need you

Apr 02, 2023

Hope Over Darkness

Speaker: Chip Paul

Keywords: church, worship, faith, jesus, god, cross, christian, bible, christ, redemption, scripture, hope, holy spirit, darkness, healing, passion, believe, jesus christ, the bible, lord, christianity, transformation, rescue, restoration, restore, bible study, living hope, inspirational, lamb of god, how to, bible verses, holy week, transformed life, bible scriptures, healing scriptures, christian motivation, hope in the dark, burnt hickory worship, burnt hickory baptist church live stream, hope over darkness

Mar 26, 2023

DNOW Weekend

Speaker: Kelly Knouse

Keywords: church, faith, jesus, god, sermon, students, youth, christian, bible, christ, gospel, hope, grace, habits, share the gospel, sermons, belief, believe, jesus christ, the bible, lord, christianity, transformation, parents, happiness, disciple now, youth event, bible study, school, sharing the gospel, schools, the gospel, inspirational, mental health, transformed life, the gospel of jesus, burnt hickory worship, burnt hickory baptist church live stream, student motivation

Mar 19, 2023

Freedom From Shame

Speaker: Matt Petty

Keywords: church, faith, jesus, sin, god, sermon, christian, bible, christ, gospel, hope, sermons, belief, pain, video, healing, believe, health, spirituality, shame, jesus christ, the bible, guilt, lord, christianity, transformation, self, emotions, happiness, bible study, emotional healing, psychology, inspirational, mental health, trauma, self improvement, transformed life, self help, finding jesus, inner peace, burnt hickory worship, burnt hickory baptist church live stream, freedom from shame

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