string(8) "p-587447" FAQs | Burnt Hickory Baptist Church




Q  Why is the Registration Fee non-refundable?

A  The registration fee reserves a spot for your child. Enrollment is based on registration, and staffing is based on enrollment. Registration helps in determining  the number of classes and staff. The registration fee pays for some of the start-up expenses for the school year, such as supplies that are purchased before school begins.

Q  What does the Activity Fee cover?

A  The activity fee covers the cost of a book bag for your child, all in-house field trips, cooking activities and special events. We try not to ask for any additional money throughout the school year. The activity fee for Kindergarten also covers an off-campus field trip, graduation and individual curriculum workbooks for each child.

Q  Are there any discounts offered by the Weekday program?

A   There are no discounts offered.

Q  What will my child do all day?

A  Our days are filled with a variety of activities based on the age of your child. Each classroom has a routine and a daily schedule. We all have snack and go outside. Stories are read each day. Small group and large group activities are incorporated into each class. Since playing is how children learn, your child will have the opportunity to play in learning centers that the teachers have set up with specific outcomes in mind. The teachers also plan activities to teach specific academics.

Q  What will my child learn during the year?

A   A partial list:

  • Self-help skills
  • Social skills
  • To functioning as a part of a group
  • To obeying school rules
  • Listening skills
  • To sit in a group
  • To claim only his fair share of the teacher’s attention
  • To wait for a turn
  • To make new friends
  • To trust other adults
  • Independence
  • Problem-solving skills
  • Math skills
  • Pre-reading and/or reading skills
  • Language development skills
  • Small motor skills
  • Large motor skills
  • To love school
  • To love learning
  • And many more things!

Q  What is the ratio of students to adults in the Weekday program?

A  Classroom Ratios

Class Age
12-24 month classes 4 1
2 year olds classes 5 1
3 year old classes 6 1
4 year old classes 7 1
Kindergarten classes 7 1

Two additional adults are available to help out in the classrooms on an as-needed basis.

 Q  Does the Weekday program have plans in place for emergencies?

A  The Weekday program has emergency plans for many different emergency scenerios. Fire drills and severe weather drills are practiced with the children. Other emergency plans are in place and staff members are trained and informed. Most of the staff members are CPR and First Aid certified.

Q  Do staff member receive training each year?

A  All staff members are required to complete a minimum of 10 contact hours of training each year.

Q  Can I request a specific teacher?

A   Teacher requests are not accepted, however, a parent may write a letter requesting a certain style of teacher or describing the personality or special needs of the student. All students are placed by the directors.

Q What kind of communication can I expect from the Weekday program?

A  Each classroom teacher sends home a calendar each month.  This calendar contains information about topics to be covered, special events, birthdays and other pertinent information.

Q  Where can I find information about school policies?

A  Each student is given a handbook at the beginning of the school year. Many policies are outlined in the handbook. Specific procedures are not included in the handbook due to the fluid nature of procedures.

Q  What kind of access do visitors have to the Weekday areas of the facility?

A  We seek to provide a safe and secure area for all of the children enrolled in our program. Access inside the building to the areas where children are in class is limited. We have locked doors that prevent casual walk-through access to any of the Weekday areas. A person requesting entry into the secure areas must ask to be let in. A staff member monitors a system that allows audio contact and also allows the staff member to see who is requesting entry. Staff members are trained to approach anyone who looks unfamiliar or out of place.

Q  How is the Weekday program connected to Burnt Hickory Baptist Church?

A  The Weekday Education Program is a ministry of Burnt Hickory Baptist Church and does not discriminate in the admission of children. The Weekday program does conduct chapel for all students ages 3 years and older. The children are taught Bible verses, Bible thoughts and Christian principles. The majority of the children attending the Weekday program are from the community around us and are not affiliated with the church. 


The BHBC Weekday Education admits students of any race, color, and national or ethnic origin.